Jun 24, 2018
Alan Fluhrer, Talent Acquisition Manager at W.E. O'Neil Construction.
Alan Fluhrer is a 20+ years recruiting professional who has built national teams, improved recruiting processes while always remembering his first mentors words. "This is a business about people...people make the decisions, people get the jobs and...
Jun 17, 2018
Brad Goldoor: This is Brad Goldoor, co-founder and chief people officer at Phenom People, and I'm next on the Rec Tech podcast.
Announcer: Welcome to Rec Tech, the podcast where recruiting and technology intersect. Each month, you'll hear from vendors shaping the recruiting world, along with recruiters who'll tell you...
Jun 10, 2018
This will be a solo show with just me I put together a list of cool...
Jun 4, 2018